Presentation materials are added/updated as they are received from the speakers.
Andy Malone, Worldwide Speaker, YouTuber, Tech Instructor, Author
Andy Milford, CEO, RDPSoft
Ben Stegink Microsoft Cloud Architect and Microsoft 365 MVP, Owner & Chief Consultant, Intelligink
Viktor Hedberg, Senior Technical Architect, Truesec
Stefan Schörling, Cloud Security and Infra Geek , Onevinn AB
Mattias Borg, Cyber Security Geek
Padraic O'Reilly , Founder and Chief Innovation Officer, CyberSaint
John O'Neill, Sr., Chief Technologist, AWS Solutions
Sami Laiho, Chief Research Officer, Adminize
Jan Ketil Skanke Security MVP, Enterprise Mobility MVP, Partner, CloudWay
Hasain Alshakarti, Principal Cybersecurity Advisor, Truesec
Mikael Nystrom, Principal Technical Architect, TrueSec
Vanessa Toves, Microsoft 365 Solutions Architect, Druva
Alton Crossley, Software Engineer in Security
Dave Kawula, Principal Consultant, TriCon Elite Consulting
Alexander Andersson, Principal Forensic Consultant, Truesec
Chen Shiri, Cyber Security Researcher, Accenture Security
Émile Cabot Microsoft MVP , Principal Consultant , TriCon Elite Consulting
Marcos Nogueira, Principal Cloud Solution Architect
Steve LaBeau, Principal Systems Engineer, Principal Technology Solutions