Blue Team

W03 Raiders of the Lost Photon: An Introduction to Quantum Cryptography for Security Pro’s


9:00am - 10:00am

Level: Intermediate

Andy Malone

Worldwide Speaker, YouTuber, Tech Instructor, Author

Join Microsoft MVP and Youtuber, Andy Malone as he introduces you to the world of Quantum Cryptography. With technology literally moving at the speed of light. IT Pro’s and security professionals alike must keep ahead of cybercriminals. So, in this deep dive session join Andy, as he takes you on a journey inside Quantum cryptography. Here we’ll discuss not only the basics, like Qubits but also delve into the technical details of how this revolutionary technology works and more importantly how it can keep you and your data safe.

You will learn:

  • The basics of Quantum Cryptography
  • Learn new skills
  • Enhance current knowledge